The charity account is on the Sui platform and is administered by the The White Horse. This account is not for profit and can receive donations on the Sui platform. This account held 5% (5 million) Freebies when Freebies was started. It can receive any currency on the Sui blockchain. If you wish to contribute either contact your driver, or contact us via email.
The purpose of the White Horse Charity is to take on several of societies issues. It will build energy farms, that provide completely self-sufficient community living and electricity generated will power both the community and their electric taxis. Similar to the WOOF'ers (Workers on organic farms) idea, people will live on the venues for free and contribute to the farms for free, and not use money in the community. They will do this in exchange for everything supplied like accomodation, food, clothing, etc. The venues will be set up to create all resources needed to achieve this purpose, in any environment they are estblished. They will assist in, but not be limited to:
- Famine and starvation relief.
- Anti-desertification and reforestation projects.
- Essential healthcare services for those that can't afford it.
- Clean water projects.
- People and animal shetlers.
- Councelling and support for victims of crime and trauma.
- Building housing for the homeless.
The objecttive is to provide a place for people to exist, where they can be a useful and constructive contributing member of society. Life doesn't require money, it requires co-operation and purpose.
The fund will be considered mature when the fund contains $1 million NZD in currencies. Draw down on funds will be at the descretion of The White Horse.
When the fund reaches maturity it will be assessed monthly. The value of the fund will be recorded at 12 mid-day on the first of every month. If it has gained in value from one month to the next, the gain will be halved and this will be considered the draw down. The draw down will include administration costs. This will ensure the fund continues to grow, even without donations, and as such it can continue to contribute to society. The fund may optionally be left to accumulate larger investment before draw down is performed.